Hi! I’m Dr. Sharbreon Plummer and I am passionate about guiding organizations and individuals through the steps needed to make meaningful impact through visionary projects! (while rEMAINING BALANCED FROM START TO FINISH)

Our “Big 3”

Lifelong learning and creativity are driving forces that aid the exploration and development of our best selves. Passion, skill and curiosity (our big 3) are what guide our praxis and the learning we facilitate with and for others. The Big 3 serve as the foundation for our engagement with all new and potential clients!

Passion (The Why)

What is your source of motivation? What inspires what you do?
What prompts you to offer your time, energy and resources?

Skill (THE WHAT)

Rigorous development process, form & function.
How we turn theory into something tangible.
What we cultivate from discipline and dedication.

Curiosity (ThE HOW)

Discovery (with emphasis on self).
What drives us to know more; to seek answers.
What causes us to ask difficult questions and address challenges as they arise

At AYA, we love culminations and completing impactful projects, but our work emphasizes process. We believe that success is not just achieved by crossing the finish line. It is also manifested when thoughts and ideas have space to be nurtured and integrated into thoughtful approaches to execution. As a thought studio, we strive to ensure that how you do the work isn’t lost in the grind for the goal. We value time and space, and actively resist processes that don’t honor emergence, our shared humanity, and the harm that can arise from a lack of care and intention. Most importantly, we support you with capturing that roadmap along the way so you can continue to build from a solid foundation. Whether it’s managing vendors and deadlines through the scope of your project or holding space for your team through engaging and creatively-rooted team retreats, we want to help you reach your goals in realistic and attainable ways.